Published on: Wednesday, Wed, 10 Apr 2024 ● 2 Min Read
HYDERABAD, India, April 10, 2024 -- The Technology Innovation Hub, iHub-Data, established by IIIT Hyderabad is offering a six-month long weekend training classes on AI/ML for top performers from engineering colleges in and around Hyderabad. The classes, scheduled to be on all Sundays, require physical attendance of students participating in the program. The six-month program contains a judicious mix of concepts related to theory, tutorials and projects, all pertaining to modern AI/ML.
"Training and equipping students on latest techniques in modern machine learning has always been one of our goals. A large number of corporate houses spawning up in this city, would be benefited indirectly from this program," said Prof Jawahar CV, Dean of Research at IIIT Hyderabad.
"This is the third edition of weekend training program getting organised at IIIT Hyderabad campus. The students bring in a great deal of enthusiasm and inquisitiveness which add tremendous value to the program. Services of highly skilled mentors have been made available to assist and guide the students in the tutorial sessions," says CK Raju, Head of Educational Programs at iHub-Data, IIIT Hyderabad.
Last date to register for program is 5 May, 2024. Classes would commence from 19 May, 2024. For more details, please contact coordinator, Ms Fathimath Rifna at 040 6653 1787. An outline of the program with important dates, is also available at course website at ihub-data.ai
About IIIT-Hyderabad:
The International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIIT-H) is an autonomous research university founded in 1998 that focuses on the core areas of Information Technology, such as Computer Science, Electronics and Communications, and their applications in other domains through inter-disciplinary research that has a greater social impact. Some of its research domains include Visual Information Technologies, Human Language Technologies, Data Engineering, VLSI and Embedded Systems, Computer Architecture, Wireless Communications, Algorithms and Information Security, Robotics, Building Science, Earthquake Engineering, Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics, Education Technologies, Power Systems, IT in Agriculture and e-Governance.
Website: www.iiit.ac.in
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View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/in/news-releases/admissions-open-to-ihub-datas-6-month-student-training-program-on-aiml-at-iiit-hyderabad-302111397.html