NVIDIA GPU-enabled AI for healthcare, the environment and education are just some of the advances.

Technology is making the world a better place

January, 2022 – Not so long ago, searching for information could lead to a library to scan endless volumes or even tediously sift through microfilm. Clearly, technology is making the world a better place.

Scientists, researchers, developers and companies have been on a quest to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems. Only now they’re accelerating their efforts by putting NVIDIA GPU-driven AI to work.

And the benefits can be seen across critical global issues such as COVID-19 and climate change, to education and employment. Below is just some of the amazing work of 2021.

Accelerating COVID-19 Research: In 2021, medical researchers were able to accelerate vaccine discovery results to months instead of years. Advances in NVIDIA GPUs, AI and specialised software helped find the way.

Modelling Climate Change: Scientists are modelling climate change. As polar caps melt, one recent effort aims to predict sea ice loss. But what if you could accurately model the entire Earth’s change over time, using physics-based models and high-resolution graphics to show regional changes?

Speeding Disaster Detection: For the 2021 wildfire season in the US, the total damage and cumulative economic loss is predicted to be between $70 billion and $90 billion, according to AccuWeather. And floods cause more than $40 billion in damages worldwide a year, according to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Creating Employment Equity: The United Nations, citing the impact of technological advances on the labour market, has helped developed a strategy on the future of work that sets goals for decent and inclusive growth in work.

Helping Teach Students: Younger generations need to develop the skills, especially in STEM fields, to tackle these challenges. AI can help. For example, US math students rank 31st in the world, according to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. To improve classroom engagement, a research team backed by the National Science Foundation has been developing AI to assist math teachers.