One of the hottest research topics in decades, Functional Programming has in the last five years seen rapid adoption due to the need to build larger concurrent systems and to handle big-data in smarter ways. Functional Conference 2017 is poised to be India’s largest platform for knowledge sharing on Functional Programming. It will bring together a growing community of top researchers and developers to discuss a diversity of topics on Erlang, a programming language designed for the Internet Age, its features and ecosystem; Elixir - 2017 Most Loved Language - and how the Elixir community is moving towards a more thoughtful architecture for apps, and much more.

Naresh Jain, Founder of ConfEngine and Creator of Functional Conference commented, “Since its origin, back in 2014, this event is a melting-pot for functional programmers from around the world. Currently, functional programming is at the heart of every new generation programming technology and diverse companies are employing functional programming to actuate more effective, robust, and flexible software development. This has given birth to an extremely vibrant community of functional programmers, who are constantly exploring new and varied ways to bring in the power of functional programming to the enterprise software. We are thrilled to partner with GreyOrange, who share our vision and enthusiasm to create a unique platform for sharing and networking opportunities, along with enhancing possible career prospects, for the programming community.”

Chetan Yadav, Vice President, People Operations, GreyOrange added, “Our association with Functional Conference is one of our many ongoing programs to develop and engage with the community of functional programmers. As products and technologies get more complex, distributed and performance intensive, there is a need to initiate a healthy dialogue on this subject. At GreyOrange, we are leading this with Tech Talk sessions, where we invite domain experts to interact with our engineers to discuss and learn about some of the best practices and use cases within the field.’’

As a part of the greater initiative at GreyOrange to build an interactive community and promote rapid adoption of functional programming concepts and languages such as Erlang and Elixir, Gyanendra Aggarwal, Senior Software Architect, GreyOrange will conduct a session on ‘A practical guide to GenStage with a real-life use case’. Gyanendra, who has extensive experience in software development, will explain in detail about Elixir GenStage. It is a very interesting abstraction (behavior) and can be used very effectively to solve many complex problems that fall under supply-demand/back-pressure scenarios.