The following is a summary of the statements made by the board members at that conference.

Atsushi Horiba (New: Chairman & Group CEO, Current: Chairman, President and CEO)The board officers were decided upon taking 3 objectives into consideration: strengthening group management, defining the group management system and the further enhancement of HORIBA’s technical and development capabilities.From now on, as CEO of the HORIBA Group, I intend to strengthen governance by further extending and promoting our corporate culture. To that end, Juichi Saito will manage the group as a whole and lead concrete strategies, while Masayuki Adachi will focus on administrative leadership of HORIBA, Ltd., global headquarters of the HORIBA Group.


Juichi Saito (New: Executive Vice Chairman & Group COO, Current: Executive Vice President)After I was appointed as a Vice President of HORIBA, Ltd. 5 years ago, I was supporting President Horiba for both HORIBA, Ltd. and group operations. In recent years, our group activities have expanded and it has reached the point for President Horiba and myself to shift to the group operation by passing the responsibility of HORIBA, Ltd. to Masayuki Adachi.


Masayuki Adachi (New: President & COO, Current: Senior Managing Director)I am honored to be appointed as a President of HORIBA, Ltd. from next year. I would like to devote my full power to take over the momentum of growth and expansion that has been led by President Horiba.The most important point is to accomplish the on-going Mid-Long Term Management Plan MLMAP2020 by the year 2020. I will utilize my experiences as the President and CEO in the U.S. and in France, in addition to my background as an engineer to bring us to a world leading company with clear transparency and strong governance.In our business style of globally expanded high-mix low-volume manufacturing, direct collaborations and partnership with our customers is an absolute necessity. Even in my next position, I will maintain such connections to our industries, academia and government for quick and correct business decisions.I will continue to grow and learn making sure to never lose the spirit of “Joy and Fun” that is the motto of our company.

At the press conferencePictured from left to right,Masayuki Adachi, President & COOAtsushi Horiba, Chairman & Group CEOJuichi Saito, Executive Vice Chairman & Group COO(All titles listed are effective as of January 1, 2018)